The Champaign Central High School Jazz Ensemble, directed by John Currey since 1997, has been the cornerstone of the Central High School music program, garnering awards and distinctions at almost every festival or competition attended. There are three separate big bands in the Central program: Jazz Lab band, Jazz Stage Band and the Jazz Ensemble, as well as several smaller combos made up of students from these bands. Central Jazz Bands and Combos perform throughout the year, in venues large and small, from the Iron Post to prestigious festivals in New York City and California. Many jazz band students from Central have gone on to play in jazz ensembles at Indiana University, Northwestern University and the University of Illinois, among others. Let’s welcome this next generation of musicians to the festival!
Be sure to stop in for the lesson with local swing master (and UIUC physics professor) Paul Kwiat beforehand – 6:00pm-6:45pm. Hope to see a lot of teens at both!
Friday, November 1st, 7:00pm-8:00pm
Landmark Hotel Ballroom
Wristband or cover