Harmonica Workshop with Dave Witzany (beginning)

It’s easy to begin to learn to play harmonica!  Dave will lead the group using key of C diatonic 10 hole harmonicas to help you learn about the instrument and to begin playing melodies and blues.  Come at 10:30 and learn the basics of the harmonica–how to hold it, how to play single notes, and how to play simple melodies. Stick around at 11:30 for more harmonica fun, including some simple effects and an introduction to the blues.  Dave will have a petting zoo of his own harmonicas and books on the subject–bring your questions!

If you have a C diatonic, you can bring your own harmonica  to the lesson. For those who don’t have one, there will be a limited number of free harmonicas available, as well as additional inexpensive harmonicas for purchase, thanks to assistance from Corson Music. We encourage you to come out to the workshops and try out this soulful instrument that you can carry in your pocket!

Dave has been a fan of local music since he came to the U of I in the early 80′s and has a long involvement with WEFT community radio. Mainly an audience member, he’s occasionally played harmonica with local bands like the Prairie Jam Band and the Prairie Dogs.