For All Ages 2017

Musical Mayhem Parade

Civil War Era Dance, with Mean Mary – Learn simple dances from the Civil War era, starting with an 1860s Virginia Reel. All levels and ages welcome, no experience or partner necessary.
Saturday, 2:00-3:00pm, Independent Media Center (IMC)

Community Center for the Arts (C4A) Early Morning Kids’ Music Time – Children and their caregivers are invited to join C4A’s regular Music Morning session. Adults can enjoy refreshments while their kids engage with each other and enjoy live music performed by our faculty musicians. Although there is not a set curriculum, our teachers engage young audience members with spontaneous low-key musical interactions to suit the mood of the moment. There is a suggested $5 donation to cover expenses.
Saturday, 10:30-11:30am, Community Center for the Arts (C4A)

Dance Try-Its, with Jon and Sue Hanson – Your chance to try out some simple and fun traditional dances. These might include English Country Dance from the Renaissance, a Scandinavian waltz, Contra dance from the 1800s, or a simple modern line dance. Some of the dances will be with partners but the session will be pretty gender free and easy enough for kids or adults. If you would like a sampling of dances you can do with recreational dance groups in the Champaign-Urbana area, don’t miss this!
Saturday, 3:00-5:00pm, Independent Media Center (IMC)

Family Dance/Percussion Craft program at the Urbana Free Library – Join the library staff on Friday night, 6:00pm-7:15pm (on the main floor by the coffee shop) for an evening of movin’ and groovin’ for the whole family. We will be making a host of percussive instruments in preparation for our very own dance party to celebrate the festival!
Friday, 6:00-7:15pm Urbana Free Library Upstairs

Girls in Motion (praise dance for young women) – For girls, ages 5-17 years old, who are excited to learn lyrical style dance, meet new people, and build a sistership. This group meets regularly at the IMC and is open to public participation during the festival.
Saturday, 10:00am-12:00pm, Independent Media Center (IMC)

Judy Lachman (Storyteller) – Local storyteller Judy Lachman makes her C-U Folk and Roots Festival debut. Judy has always told stories and has been telling professionally for 15 years.
Saturday, 12:30-1:30pm, Urbana Free Library Downstairs (Lewis Auditorium)

Little Folkers Puppet Party with Miss Hanna Rae – Entertaining the whole family through singing, movement, playing instruments, and puppets!
Saturday, 12:45-1:30pm, Community Center for the Arts (C4A)

Little Miss Ann – Award-winning kids’ musician Ann Torralba, aka Little Miss Ann, is a former Chicago Public School teacher, first generation Filipina-American, mom, and a veteran instructor at Chicago’s Old Town School of Folk Music.
Saturday, 11:45am-12:30pm, 1:45-2:30pm, Community Center for the Arts (C4A)

Linda Dust (Storyteller) – Linda says that the stories she enjoys the most are the ones that also include music and ballads. She finds that each new story brings new understanding of the traditions of the cultures that have produced these marvelous tales.
Saturday, 12:30-1:30pm, Urbana Free Library Downstairs (Lewis Auditorium)

Megan Wells (Storyteller) – This year’s featured storyteller is Megan Wells, an award-winning “story artist and a theater artist” who tells traditional tales, multi-cultural myths, historical events, as well as personal and true stories. Want to learn something about the craft? She’ll be doing a workshop too!
Saturday, 1:30-2:30pm, Urbana Free Library Downstairs (Lewis Auditorium)

Musical Mayhem Parade, led by John Huber of the Wandering Boys – The parade is back! Bring your instruments, costumes, and free spirits and celebrate on the streets of downtown Urbana. Costumes are optional, but free spirits are required!
Saturday, 2:45-3:15pm, Community Center for the Arts (C4A)

Sea Chantey Sing, with John Morris – Join the Chambana Chantey Sing for an open song session. We’ll sing chanteys (sailors’ work songs) and forebitters (recreational songs), songs of the oceans and inland waterways, songs of fishing, of the docks, of the taverns, and of home, songs both traditional and modern. Lead a song, sing along, or just listen.
Friday, 7:00-9:00pm, Common Ground Food Co-op in Lincoln Square – outside if weather permits

Song session for kids, with John Huber, followed by the Musical Mayhem Parade (see above).

Song Circle, with Jordan Kaye – All are welcome to join the singing in front of a roaring fire with Jordan Kaye, everyone’s favorite Prairie Dog.
Friday, 7:30-9:00pm, Iron Post Patio

We Wanna Woke Justice Choir – All are welcome to sing along with members of this choir, who gather together to sing songs of social justice.
Friday, 6:00-7:00pm, Iron Post Patio